Tuesday, January 29, 2008


Hey...its been quite a period since i had posted...so i will seize this once in a lifetime chance...as i told them that there would be multiple projects...and the com would be a vital part to it...so...hmm...*rubs chin thoughtfully*...*explodes*...


Alright alright...control...control....

*smiles widely like in chinese class*

Ok on to important matters...even though i might have gained one of the most craved and dreamed freedom of com usagae of all...they might still barge into my tiny room and crane their necks at the com screen...so...eh...all the best for myself at alt+tabbing and swift unnoticable mouse movement...


Yesterday...we went to "visit" many CCA's...including track...to see john's shorts...choir to see sw and elaine...EDS dance...wushu...softball...lol...i managed this inpossible feat thanks to the weather...which is rain... ~woots !~

Today not much...just usual lessons and stuff...and what's with the enthusiastic welcome back to class after school and amazing applause for the chinese presentation?...i know i am extremely famous ^^ but there's no need to keep pressing it in eh?...lol ^^...oh yeah and i remember i smiled too widely for chinese...lol...its a way to cope with nerves and terror with the ... eh...you know what...right in fronta me...so...yeah you know what i mean ... =D

I have many long and "boring" posts to make...but apparently many do not like the way i present it...so...eh...i have chosen many alternatives...to be listed below...

I - Writings
The conventional writings with no extra interesting points...just like now.

II - Poem
Of course...one of my favourites...conducts enjoyable writing and reading.

III - Prose
Not so oftenly used...but still effective and simple.

IV - Quotes
Quotes of people or by myself...eg. "What you want might not always be what you will get."

V - Pictures
Doubt there will be much...but i shall try...

VI - Music
I believe i will be updating the music player soon...so stay tuned!

Well i guess there couldnt be more...so i shall try a combination of several types...for interest and simple reading and observing...a dynamic step in making you understand this f*****g world...

I will list some poem ideas down so i will not forget it as time progesses...

Grab a Gun

Hey bro, wake up, grab a gun,
The rebellion has started, so let's have fun,
Quickly, pick anything,
AK-47, M4,
Get out and do some killing,
That's what guns are for.

Gentleman's Duel (Gunfight)

They stood back to back, two fine young men,
Loaded their guns, ready to kill, not cry,
Twelve steps they swiftly took,
But one of the two is fated to die.


Red carpets cover the marble paved floors,
Intricate silver line the doors,
Mosaics and painting line the walls,
That's just the starting of casino's calls.


I sleep early,
At nine-thirty,
Unlike you happy people,
Midnight sleeper.


A piece of flying metal in your command,
Ready to chase or to run,
In the distance, enemy's squadron closes in,
Clutch your controls tightly, it won't be clean,
One is on your trial and in your sight,
The two start to swerve in circles...
One of them is not going home tonight.


In your eye, I may be,
Just another annoying guy,
But I shall make you see,
I am more than what you see tonight.

These are only the first verses of the poems...more are yet to come...so stay tuned...

Good night...

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