yo its been seriously long since i posted any poetry...but its just for the fun of writing its not to get damn A.A.'s shit attention like the black shit and wayne...
but first let's post about the day...just like any1 else...today quite sianz...pe slacking was fun though...walked...jogged...talked and play played...and chinese was storytelling as usual...and really BEDTIME STORIES...slacked through maths also...
went home with veron...since no other would resort to their prisons so quickly...or if it can be prison in your way but it is in mine...so i don't blame you guys...why go to prison so early if you can stay out of it longer? but alas...some unfortunates...not only me...as many other are much worse...have to abide by the orders and sadly take leave from their fellow free friends and head on to a long and lonely road to their imprisonment...
i recently got myself a new toy...and its been quite a while* since i got one (see The Prisoner's Book of Language, By Chen Wei Heng, for more details) and its a high tech gun like penknife, which can slice through thick plastic with ease, but i have not tried metal, but if it can marr plastic, it sure can to flesh and blood...hehehe...
So eh...don't get too freaked out when you see me playing with it...cuz Wen Xin and Xiaowen saw me twirling the exquisite weapoin in my hands and they resorted immediately to a futile attempt to stop my soon would be suicide...hahaha...
ok after so much of my talks and boring testimonies which you weaklings are too blessed to experience to fully understand my situation and jiajian's and many other people out there...i will make some writings, simple ones mind you, to let you understand our situation and therefore reduce misunderstanding amongst us and make peace between all...and others who suffer can also convey their thoughts and opinions here through my tagboard...so everyone gets a fair fighting chance...and recently i got this idea to put something similar on the school forum...which would rapidly spread the understanding..but thats not soon...and it will take lots of preparation...
and i'm aware if any teacher got wind of that, and if any teacher conveys the message to them through the parent teacher conference...hoho...let's not think about that..
ok back to the painful reality...and not imaginations and wonders of maybe impossible scheming and fighting for our right to live free...
today sat at the back of the class and discussed with xw how the class might be after 10 years...and its pretty funny...but i shall not go on to the finer details yet but we do know some will have their sweet rides and some may look conpletely different due to removal of rules and stiff...but let's not talk about that now...we males have 2 years of NS to go through and its at least 7 years till just maybe i will get my freedom...just MAYBE...

It is said that learning will accompany you through life...just like huo2 dao4 lao3, xue2 dao4 lao3...and even though we are not old and withered, we are in the midst of learning, and learning much more than we normally should and do, and i've just finished learning a simple concept, which is xian1 ku3 hou4 tian2, which i saw wonders in it after doing a large bulk of my hw during the weekends and saw the wonders of not worrying about homework while gunbound and trickster music rings in my ears...haha...
Since i'm afraid to lose your attention after such a long post (for you but not for me, as you may not actually have the patience to browse through the opinions of an inferior lack of freedom man...) i'm going on the the poetry..hah...
Respect Your Enemy
Ok let's take it this way,
You two decide to finish each other off,
Ok, let me do the say,
Everybody not a sound, not a cough.
You two, face each other here,
No getting too violent, cause' its not time yet,
Say hello without any fear,
Cause' maybe its the last that he may get.
Shake his hand, don't mind,
Even though you may curse behind,
So just make it quick, one last time,
Before either steps on the mine.
Walk to the end of the arena, face set,
As you are about to fight an honourable man,
Honorouble, yes, you can bet,
As enemies are the ones which makes you a man.
Smile and draw your guns, split second,
So let's do your stuff and show him what'you got.
So now, resist the cheat and dirty play temptation,
Otherwise things will look ugly if you are caught.
Call him by his proper name, no name-callin',
And acknowledge him to be your rival,
Honour him to get on the likes of your hate,
But give him no chance of survival.
Ah, hear the sweet music, of gunshots renting the air,
For there is none as such this fair,
But for such honour there's one rule,
Respect your enemy, its so true.
I know its nothing much compared to my previous works...but it just popped into my mind somehow and i just got those words..so...let's end this post...
Casual Writings by me and JJ, to be published on our blogs...
I - Dictionary of the Chainball
Comparison of words and phrases used by different people with different backgrounds and lives. Excellent guide to understanding what JJ and me is talking about.
II - Theories of the Caged
Many phsycological theories about how and why people behave in the way they do which so intrigued me and JJ. Also includes reasons why such theories are true.
III - Guide To Surviving the Extremes
An excellent guide to how to survive lives like mine, jj's and many other unfortunate people out there. Recommended for all as you'd never know when disaster strikes when your parents got to know mine.
Thats about it...thanks and stay tuned to broken-hourglass.blogspot.com...