Tuesday, August 31, 2010
"Trust me, just pretend that everything is ok.
And the world will not end for you today.
Just imagine that we can talk tonight.
And I'll smile and pretend everything is alright :)"
- Pretence Makes The World Go Round :)
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
By Me :)
Don't tell me little things don't matter.
Because they add up to things bigger than you think.
Things which can change lives for the better.
Things which have the ability to make you sink
to the bottom of the ocean of pain.
Caught up between the currents and waves.
Not knowing what to feel can make you insane.
And it only gets worse day by day.
All it takes is just a little time,
a little bit of this, a tiny bit of that.
Who knows it could be that simple to make you mine.
Yes, its simple, but not easy in fact.
Those days when everybody get together.
Those possibilities are endless, too much to list.
People get caught up in the moment, feeling too better.
And all that I can do is this.
I think, I sit, I think, I die.
My body's here but my heart's somewhere else.
Too bad that I'm just living a lie.
Trying to convince myself those things don't help.
But in fact, they do, they matter the most.
It's those little things we do that make us smile.
But sadly, I can't get access to those.
I'm locked up, shut down, away by a thousand miles.
It's not like I didn't give all my life to be with you.
It's just that I tried to give more than that just to be with you.
So I sit here behind my bars and think.
Inhale fake atmosphere and imagine the scenes.
Those scenes which remain forever burned in my eyes.
Covered up by my smile as a great disguise.
Yes, I do smile, but only when I think of you.
And when I'm with you, I do that too.
But no, everything conspires to keep me from you.
So I guess there's just one thing I gotta do.
Lying, lying is the way to get through.
It's the only way to get a life and be cool.
I'm sorry, I was too honest before.
I need to change to have you as the reason to live for.
So I sit here in fabricated luxury, behind my bars.
Peering through that fucking steel, mesmerized by stars.
Yes, baby, a star's what you are.
The only star I can see, yes I love you la :)
But first, I need to be there, to be with you and see.
To smile and be happy together and enjoy how magical it can be.
Hold your hand and step through that friday afternoon thing.
To just be together, happy love songs we'll sing.
Just for you, I will do anything to be free.
So I can show that I love you, to be continued,
in The Good Life Three.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
By Me :)
It's been while, I must admit.
Since we could be together again.
Now this is not an understatement.
It means so much to me after so much pain.
Once again I could feel the warmth.
That radiates from your golden heart.
Once again my fire is rekindled.
I have more reason to play my part.
I need you, I can't deny it.
I love you, I can't suppress it.
You, my reason behind it.
I've gotta do this well or that's it.
Thank you, for keeping me alive.
Once again I have a reason to live.
I look forward to seeing your smile tomorrow.
Your very smile I could believe.
I hope that you can be happy together with me.
Don't put lies into that smile.
To be with you is such a beautiful gift.
Every second is worthwhile.
Once again we have a chance.
A chance to make things work.
But I don't want you to get me wrong.
It's your call, I'll definitely hear you out.
If it's not good for you.
You have to let me know.
So I can try to make things right.
Make things hot, not cold.
Once again we're back where we started.
But with more in our minds than we imagined.
Hopefully, this can help us out.
And bring us forward to where we've been.
It's been quite a while since I've smiled genuinely.
But what's more important is whether you can do the same.
So I'm hoping that you can smile with me too, baby.
And walk back to where we began again.
Only if you want, only if you want.
If it hurts you, damn I can't.
Then all I need to see is your true smile.
Your true smile, your true smile.
Once again, twice again.
Your smile a day,
My smile a day,
To be together with you a day,
keeps the pain away :)
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
But what's more important is whether you can do the same.
So I'm hoping that you can smile with me too, baby.
And walk back to where we began again.
- Once Again, Twice Again
ahh dammit i'm just trying to get some inspirations down for now. i promise i will post more poems soon :D in the meantime i noticed my blog visitor numbers have started falling :(
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Monday, August 23, 2010
Though it may not be fair, balance can be maintained most of the time. So I don't blame you, I have no reason to. It's entirely my fault. I'm sorry for my overreaction. As long as it makes you happy and it makes you smile, anything can work for me. It's not like I don't do it at all either. So I guess you have every reason to. It's not you, its me. But deep inside me, maybe, just maybe, I feel something else, something I would not have dared to imagine before. But for now, I smile, because you do. I hope :)
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Saturday, August 21, 2010
130) Take all the MRT lines in one day. Take a picture of you/you and your friends at every station showing where you are. And I mean EVERY DAMN STATION. (Y)
Friday, August 20, 2010
By Me :)
I'm sorry, but I believe in love.
And that means the two of us.
Maybe, I hope that you do too.
So that we can be happy together and thus
create an empire of our own,
filled with the most beautiful things in the world.
The kingdom that only exists in fairytales.
We play our hands because we don't have to fold.
Since our magic makes sure we are the king and queen
who will hold up the ace of hearts together.
Hands on the love, hearts with each other.
I believe nothing will ever tear us apart.
I believe that our love will conquer anything.
I know that we can be the moon and the stars.
With our love blazing like a million suns.
In our world we would be the king and queen.
We'll leave joy at all the places we've been.
Being together brings us all smiles.
High-flyers together with the same style.
We were meant to be, yes I mean it.
Fate and destiny brought us together, yes I mean it.
We were made for each other, yes I mean it.
We were once a fairytale, and still are now.
Let's turn this moment into forever.
But even so, forever isn't enough to spend with you.
So I just gotta do what I have to do
for you. Because I love you.
And that's all I wanna do.
Once upon a time, two hearts came together.
And they lived happily ever after.
Snap open my eyes, I should wake up now. I'm sorry.
I'm just that little fairytale boy.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010

One Piece Of Memory, One Piece Of Heart III
Please just let that moment last forever.
When we could be anything that we wanna
be. To see all the wonders of love that we could've seen.
To just stay there forever like we had been.
That golden moment felt like forever.
Though it just lasted for about an hour.
We could have went to the moon and back.
With the drinks in our hands we shared.
Talking about anything over here and that.
For a shining moment, life was not so bad.
Pardon me, that was the best moment of my life.
I've got so much of your love that I've been deprived.
With that smile on your face, I thought you were happy too.
All the happiness I could have, I wanted to share with you.
We were perfect, not just picture perfect.
We could outshine the stars, yes we can do that.
It warms my heart to have you right beside me.
It quickens my heart to imagine what we could be.
So a story we were, one hour fairytale.
Happy ending and all, we could never fail.
But all happy things must come to an end.
They had to come and make our love stand down.
But later you proved that you can make our love stand strong.
Together, we could do no wrong.
Thanks for being with me that day.
I still remember you brought me the sweetest candy and say
"Maybe I love you." Yay :)
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
By Me :)
Really, what more can we ask for
than a chance at the thing which matters most
to you. The opportunity to be close and be able
to do what you can do. The ones with the good life
got plenty of that. The ones out of the picture just
end up real sad.
Yes, they've got all the time in the world
to do what they like and like what they do.
Chances flow like money out of wallets so
they can get nearer to what they want to do.
No worries, I'll be back by tomorrow morning.
Just don't bother me and let me have my life.
Within that time, I can accomplish more than you think.
Way more better than the sad deprived.
Tell me if you know how it feels to be kept in a prison.
Because I need a cellmate here.
Oh wait I'm sorry, that's just plain selfish.
Everyone else can do it, I have to be the gentleman.
It's pretty much ok if I've got to be tortured here.
Maybe I'll get used to it.
But the feeling of not knowing anything induces fear
and I'm afraid that I will lose to it.
Because they've got all the chances, they've got all the time.
They can do whatever they want, wherever, anytime.
They can step into your world while I'm stuck here in mine.
And I can do nothing about it, and that's not fine.
But who gives a damn if I'm fine or not?
Nobody will hear me through these soundproof walls.
Even if they could, they wouldn't want to care.
Even if they can help, they wouldn't want to share.
Because they've got better things to do
with the time that never ends from night to noon.
Whatever they do, they've got a chance for you
to take all that ever mattered away from me.
Can't you see? You are my life energy.
You make me all that I can ever be.
But how can one without a good life offer you a good life?
I'm sorry, its not you, its me.
Ok now let's take it that you never read all the above
and that you're gonna enjoy your life like always before.
Go, go, go on, seize your chances.
Make you life better forevermore.
Trust me, I'm just being practical.
Do not deny that such trivial things matter a lot
because they do, they mean everything.
So be thankful for what you've got.
Let's just pretend all the above never happened.
And you have never heard my cries.
Go on, live all the life I will never have.
I'll sit here and smile and die.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
This is a great song, do check it out. Chanced upon this while listening to one of the many jazz cd's i bought. Really emo but cool song. Enjoy :D
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Monday, August 9, 2010
One Piece Of Memory, One Piece Of Heart II
Every morning, every morning.
Everyday, the same thing.
I'll never get tired of it.
I took for granted that you'll sit
right beside me every morning.
I didn't even carry the chair for you.
Over memories now I'm mourning.
I didn't do what I should do.
I never know what I have until its gone.
You beside me every morning is one
example, which I can't forget now.
Looking at things now, thinking back,
I'll go like, wow.
But its not lost, there's still a way.
I'll do it differently this time I say.
No, what you think is not what I mean.
I just want us back on the same routine.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
The tumblr is a joint project between me and JJ and we're gonna be mostly making original material such as pictures or quotes or quotes on pictures and stuff. We're so gonna be famous in the tumblr society. But sadly, now cannot do too much. Mostly will be after EOYs stuff haha. But still, we will try to make as much as possible now haha.
Thanks to sunshinestories and colourfulskies for being the first 2 followers :)
Me and JJ gonna make it as good as it can be hahaha. So stay tuned.
everyone is welcome :)
Friday, August 6, 2010
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Hope. We've all heard it before. And its way too overrated.
Hope only serves one purpose. It keeps you alive during the darkest times of your life. It's very important for that, but it's the only useful purpose it serves.
For me, the hope is the only thing that keeps me alive now. The hope that things get better. The hope that everything could be as perfect as before.
For everything else, hope fails horribly.
Well, for one, no point hoping if you can't and won't do.
For two, no point hoping if it won't happen.
For three, hope hurts you.
Well, if you hope things will happen, that's good, because there's something meaningful in your life to hope for. But if you don't do a shit about trying to get closer or reaching that hope, no point hoping. It will be empty.
So what if you hope? If it won't happen, or what's worse, you know it won't happen, no point hoping. If something won't happen no matter how hard you try, there is no meaning in hoping that it will.
Hoping too much can be fatal. If you hope too much on something, and it does not happen, you will feel the pain. It hurts more than you can describe. Therefore, just don't hope for it. If it does happen, you'll feel very happy and satisfied. If it does not, well, you are already prepared for it.
I know the stuff above are kinda crappy because I ain't really in the mood to write properly now, but I just have to write something.
But still, I'd smile and shrug it off. And pretend that it does not matter.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
By Me :)
You don't know how much you mean to me.
If there's only a way I can make you see.
Yes, make you see, yes, make you see.
How much you are a part of me.
So how could you just let me be?
Letting my heart be the one which freeze.
So you can fly on and be free.
Not that I mind though, but I just want you to see
that you are the reason that I live for.
And without you life is a neverending fall.
I'm sorry that I could not bring myself to call.
To try to return to how things were before.
But now I've learnt to pick up the pieces one by one.
I know how to see between my needs and my wants.
Now I'm clear that you are what I need
because you are the reason that I live.
I've finally found a reason to live again.
And learnt how to put behind all that pain.
Because when there's no pain, there's no gain.
And that does not change, it stays the same.
Everyday, I'm happy just to see your face.
I smile because I can be close to you.
I laugh because I'm reaching the end of the maze
that you and I set together. It's time to undo.
You know I can't live without you.
And again I'm wishing you feel that way too.
You are the reason why I still wake up everyday.
The reason for my heart to beat again.
Woots, I've found a reason to live.
In you again, I will believe.